Welcome to the UVRF Erg Zoom sessions! Here is some information you may find helpful going forward. Read below for original post on Workout setup and abbreviations as well as some Zoom tips. If you want access to the recorded video WOs, please send an email. This is the final week of live sessions. Beginning next week, we will offer replays of all of the sessions from March 23rd through June 26th. Thank you! [updated Thursday, June 26, 10:00AM]

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Workouts for Monday 6/22, Wednesday 6/24, and Friday 6/26 (All WOs subject to change. Prior weeks’ workouts are at the bottom of the page)

Monday - steady state/low intensity.

20’,1’r, 15’, 1’r’, 20’, 1’r - 20’ as 5x (3’on, 1’paddle) SR20/22/24, 1’r, 15’ as 3x (4’on, 1’paddle) SR22, 1’r, and 20’ as 5x (3’on, 1’paddle) SR20/22/24. WU during first segment of first piece.

Wednesday - medium to medium-hard intervals.

5x 10:00 as 4x(2’/30”), 2'r, 1. WU, 2-5. SR22/24-26-28-30 - 2' steady state, 30" hard. Make sure you hold your steady state pace when you come off the 30” hard (no paddling till the rest between 10’ pieces).

Friday - Short intervals.

500 Hard Strokes, 500 Easy Strokes. On/Off as 2x(10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10), equal rest. Rest strokes between each interval equal the number of strokes of the previous work interval, 10 on, 10 off, 20 on, 20 off….

Warm Up together ~5’ before WO (10’ would be better, but we didn't have time in the video), and then CD after 2nd set for ~2-3’.

Before the class

Workouts will be posted for the upcoming week on Sundays.

Be ready to go at 6:30AM. I will start the workout then. N.B. Some days there is WU at 6:30 built into the WO.

Mondays will be steady state, Wednesdays will be higher intensity (think head race pacing), and Fridays will be spicy with some on-off work and other short interval formats at even higher intensities.

That being said, you can do whatever intensity you want. You don’t even have to do the same workout. One of the main goals of this project is to get folks together during this time of physical and/or social isolation. As I say in the tanks, “We are among friends - you can row as hard or as easy as you care to.”

Erg, Bike, Treadmill - use whatever exercise equipment you have. These workouts are all time-based and should be readily adaptable to running or cycling, depending on what you have at your disposal.

During the class - I or Liz Marshall and Elizabeth Glenshaw, our fearless leaders, will usually be ready at 6:15AM to help anyone who is getting set up with zoom and/or your erg so that we can begin the workout at 6:30AM.

During the session, you can pin my video to your main screen (click on my window and select pin video) or keep zoom in gallery mode to see everyone. I will mute everyone before we get started, but you can unmute yourself on rest time or otherwise. Just remember, that everyone can hear everything you say or do when unmuted, not only me.

If you have a question during the session, you can ask it in the chat box and I will try to get to it during the rest time between pieces. If you have a question about the work outs, you can text or email me outside the session.

We are recording each class and posting it for a re-row option until the next class. The recording is only of Linda. We do not keep/share the chit-chat prior to 6:30 or after the final paddle.Check with Linda or Liz Marshall for re-row access.

After the class

Please follow up after class with suggestions for what we can do to make this a more positive experience. It is a work in progress and our launch tomorrow is somewhat into the unknown. Contact info in previous section or reach out to Liz Marshall or Elizabeth Glenshaw..

Workout information

CD - Cool Down

r - rest

SR - Stroke Rate

WU - Warm Up

‘ - minutes

“ - seconds

Workouts for Monday 6/15, Wednesday 6/17, and Friday 6/19

Monday - steady state/low intensity. 8x 6’ as 3/2/1’, 1.5’r, SR20/22/24. This will fill up the entire time slot. Use the first 6’ piece to warm up.

Wednesday - medium to medium-hard intervals. 5x 7' as 3/1/3’, 4’r, SR26/paddle/SR26. Use the first 7’ piece plus a few minutes at 6:30AM to warm up. Try to get as close as you can to your 5k/20’ pace.

Friday - Short intervals.

Juneteenth class erg update and the original WO below as an OYO option. Sign up at Concept2 Juneteenth Challenge in your logbook. All meters count - on the water, row erg, bike erg, ski erg (3800m) - and are cumulative. They don’t have to be in one go>

“This Juneteenth Concept2 will be donating $19,000 to organizations that seek to make an impact on the systemic racism present in our society. For every person who takes part in our Juneteenth Challenge and completes more than 1900m, we will donate an additional $2 up to a maximum total of $38,000.”

Juneteenth WO: Juneteenth Challenge - 1900m and short intervals to commemorate the emancipation of the enslaved people in the United States, and the Concept2 Juneteenth Challenge.

WU/drills for 8’ followed by a 1900m row, any pace/SR, variable rest, followed by 3x8’ of on/off work, SR30/paddle (19 strokes on, 7 strokes off), 3’r.

Cool Down OYO.

Alternative/original WO below:

Just row or set monitor for Intervals Time, 11:00 work and 3:30 rest. 4x 11’ as (30/60/90/120/90/60/30”on, 30”paddle), 3’r, SR26/28/30. First 11’ piece should be a Warm Up, and 2nd-4th pieces with go up on rate by 2 beats starting at SR26, last piece SR30.

Workouts for Monday 6/8, Wednesday 6/10, and Friday 6/12

Monday - steady state/low intensity. 6x 8’, 2’r, last 30” hard, SR22/28-30. This will fill up the entire time slot. Use the first 8’ piece to warm up. Steady state with a kick.

Wednesday - medium to medium-hard intervals. WU and then 3x 12:30 as 4/3/2/1/0.5’ with 30” paddle after each segment, 2.5’r between pieces. Changing SR each minute of each segment. SR20/22/24/26 for 4’, SR22/24/26 for 3’, SR24/26 for 2’, SR28 for 1’, SR30 for 30”. Set the monitor for 13:00 work, 2:30 rest or 12:30 work, 3:00 rest to match up with video.

Friday - short intervals. 10x 3’ as 1/1/1, 2’r, 2xWU/2xSR22-26/4xSR24-28/2xSR26-30. First 8’ of the session before the pieces start will be used as a warm up.

Workouts for Monday 6/1, Wednesday 6/3, and Friday 6/5

Monday - steady state/low intensity. WU during first segment of first piece. 20’, 18’, 20’ - 20’ as 4x (4’on, 1’paddle) SR22, 1’r, 18’ SR20/22 ea. 2', 2’r, and 20’ as 5x (3’on, 1’paddle) SR22. This will fill up the entire time slot.

Wednesday - medium to medium-hard intervals. 4x12’,2’r. WU 12’, then 3x 12’ as 4x (1:30, 1:30’r), 2’r SR26/26/28/30. Hold pace through interval. Goal of 5k for SR26, 2k for SR30.

Friday - short intervals. WU 12’, 3x 12' as 6x(:45on/:75paddle), 3’r. SR30-32 aiming for 1k pace or faster.

Workouts for Monday 5/25, Wednesday 5/27, and Friday 5/29

Monday - steady state/low intensity. 3x 19’, 1.5’r, 4+3+2+1+2+3+4 SR20/22/24/26/24/22/20. Warm Up during first segment of first piece.

Wednesday - medium to medium-hard intervals. 6x 6’ as (3+2+1’), 3’r, 1. SR20/22/24, 2. SR22/24/26, 3-5. SR24/26/28, 6. SR26/28/30. WU during first part of WO separate from 6x6’ pieces.

Friday - short intervals.4x 12’ with 2-4th as 6x(1’on/off), SR26/26/28/28/30/30, 3’r. First 12’ piece used for guided WU.

Monday 5/18, Wednesday 5/20, and Friday 5/22

Monday - Steady state/low intensity. Easy Warm Up for 5’ before pieces. 9/8/7/6/5/4/2+1/1+1/1’, 1’r SR20/20/22/22/22/22/22-24/22-24/26.

Wednesday - Medium to medium-hard intervals. 5x 10:00 as 4x(2’/30”), 2'r, 1. WU, 2-5. SR22/24-26-28-30 - 2' steady state, 30" hard. Make sure you hold your steady state pace when you come off the 30” hard (no paddling till the rest between 10’ pieces). #fanfavorite

Friday - shorter and shorter intervals, max effort. Warm Up at 6:30am for 12:00, 2’r, then 2x10’, 3’r, 2x6’, 3’r, then Cool Down 3’. WU 10:00, 2’r, 10:00 as (:20/1:40), 3’r, 10:00 as (:15/1:15), 3’r, 6:00 as (:12'/1:00), 3’r, 6:00 as (:10/:50), 3'CD. On SR30 +/-. paddle at paddle, but build to Steady State before internval-build. Build to full pressure during end of rest/paddle. This was the opposite of a fan-favorite.

Workouts for Monday 5/11, Wednesday 5/13, and Friday 5/15

Monday - Steady state/low intensity. Just row or set monitor for Intervals Time, 8:00 work and 2:00 rest. 6x 8’, 2’r, last 30” hard, SR22/28-30. This will fill up the entire time slot. Use the first 8’ piece to warm up.

Wednesday -Medium-hard intervals. Just row or set monitor for Intervals Time, 11:00 work and 3:00 rest. 4x 11’ as (3+2+1+2+3), 3’r, 1.WU/drills, 2.SR22/24/26/24/22, 3-4.SR24/26/28/26/24. Stay strong on power as rate drops in second half of piece. First piece will be at lower rates and used as a warm up.

Friday - Short intervals, pyramid style. Just row or set monitor for Intervals Time, 11:00 work and 3:30 rest. 4x 11’ as (30/60/90/120/90/60/30”on, 30”paddle), 3’r, SR26/28/30. First 11’ piece will be a Warm Up, and 2nd-4th pieces with go up on rate by 2 beats starting at SR26, last piece SR30.

Workouts for Monday 5/4, Wednesday 5/6, and Friday 5/8

Monday - steady state/low intensity. WU during first segment of first piece. Steady State Pyramid 8/6/4/2/1/2/4/6/8’, 3/2/1/1/1/1/2/3’r, SR18-24/20-24/22-24/24/26/24/24-26/22-26/20-26

Wednesday - long intervals 24/20/10, 3’r, WU within first piece, 1.SR20/22 each 2’, 2.SR22/24 each 2’, 3.SR20/22/24/26, 4/3/2/1’

Friday - short intervals. 4x 12’, 45” on, 30” off, 3’r, 2-4.SR26/28/30 (high, but good technique), first set as WU. Really push for fast splits on all ratings. Think speedwork.

Workouts for Monday 4/27, Wednesday 4/29, and Friday 5/1

Monday - steady state/low intensity. WU during first segment of first piece. 20’ as 4x (4’on, 1’paddle) SR22, 1’r, 18’ SR20/22 ea. 2', 2’r, and 20’ as 5x (3’on, 1’paddle) SR22. This will fill up the entire time slot. One way to set up the monitor is Intervals-Time, 20:00 work, 1:00 rest, 18’ work, 2:00 rest, 20:00 work, optional rest, OR Just Row.

Wednesday - medium and hard intensities. 5x 10’ as follows: 4x(2’/30”)2'r, 1. WU, 2. SR24/26/26/28, 3. SR26, 4. SR28, 5. SR28/28/30/30 - 2' steady state, 30" hard. The four 2:00 segments within each 10:00 piece are SR22 at a solid steady state pressure. Make sure you hold your steady state pace when you come off the 30” hard (no paddling till the rest between 10’ pieces).

Friday - hard/high intensity. 10x 3’ as 1/1/1, 2’r, 2xWU/2xSR22-26/4xSR24-28/2xSR26-30. First 8’ of the session before the pieces start will be used as a warm up.

Workouts for Monday 4/20, Wednesday 4/22, and Friday 4/24

Monday - steady state/low intensity. 3x 18’, 3/2/1/3/2/1/3/2/1’, 2’r, SR18/20/22/18/20/22/18/20/22

Wednesday - medium and hard intensities. 4x 11’ as (3+2+1+2+3), 3’r, WU in first piece, 2. SR22/24/26/24/22, 3-4. SR24/26/28/26/24

Friday - hard/high intensity. WU 10’ at 6:30am before pieces (built into WO), 3’ rest/set up time, then 6x 5’, as 2-1-2’, on-off-on, 2.5’r, first one easy SR22/24, 2-3. SR24/26, 4-5. SR26/28, 6. SR28/30. It’s a doozy.

Workouts for Monday 4/13, Wednesday 4/15, and Friday 4/17

Monday - steady state/low intensity. Warm up and drills for 5’ before pieces. 9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1’, 1’r SR20/20/22/22/22/24/24/26/26.

Wednesday - medium and hard intensities. 5x 8’, 3’r, WU during first piece.

1. WU - all at SR22, but going faster 4/2/2’, 2. SR20/22/24, 2/4/2’ 3. SR22/24/26, 4/2/2’ 4. 22/24/26, 2/4/2’, 5. 24/26/28, 4/2/2’. Don’t forget to cool down in last 3’ of rest.

Friday - hard/high intensity. Set the monitor for 12’ WU, then plug in either Intervals Time 1:00 work, 1:00 rest OR Intervals Variable 1:00 work, 1:00 rest for intervals 1-5, 7-11, 13-17, and 1:00 work, 3:00 rest for the others, i.e. intervals 6, 12, and 18. On the video, I fumble around with the 1/1’ on/off for the WU.

4x 6x(1’on/off), 2’r, SR24/24/26/26/28/30, WU in first set OR do a WU and then 3 hard sets.

Workouts for Monday 4/6, Wednesday 4/8, and Friday 4/10

Monday - WU during first piece. 4x (4’on, 1’paddle) SR20, 1’r, 18’ SR20/22 ea. 2', 2’r, 5x (3’on, 1’paddle) SR20 This will fill up the entire time slot. Warm up during the piece.

Wednesday - set monitor for Intervals Time, 10:00 work, 2:30 rest. 5x 4x(2’/30”)2'r, 1. WU, 2-5. SR22/26-28 - 2' steady state, 30" hard. Make sure you hold your steady state pace when you come off the 30” hard (no paddling till the rest between 10’ pieces).

Friday - after 5' minute WU with feet out drills, set monitor for Intervals Time, 5:00 work, 2:30 rest. 7x 5’, 2/2/1, 2.5’r, first 2 easy, next 5 the meat of the WO 1x SR20/22/24, 1x SR22/24/26, 3x SR24/26/28, 2x SR26/28/30

Workouts for Monday 3/30, Wednesday 4/1, and Friday 4/3

Monday - just row or set monitor for Intervals Time, 19:00 work and 1:30 rest. 3x 19’, 1.5’r, 4+3+2+1+2+3+4, 1.SR 18/20/22/24/22/20/18, 2-3.SR20/22/24/26/24/22/20 . This will fill up the entire time slot. Warm up during the piece.

Wednesday - just row or set monitor for Intervals Time, 10:00 work and 3:00 rest. 4x 4+3+2+1, 3’r, 1. WU, 2-3. SR20/22/24/26, 4. SR22/24/26/28. First piece will be at lower rates/intensities and used as a warm up.

Friday - just row or set monitor for Intervals Time, 3:00 work and 2:00 rest. 10x 3’ as 1/1/1, 2’r, 2xWU/2xSR22-26/4xSR24-28/2xSR26-30. First two pieces and rest time will be at lower rates, adjusted intensities, and used as a warm up.

Workouts for Monday 3/23, Wednesday 3/25, and Friday 3/27

Monday - just row or set monitor for Intervals Time, 8:00 work and 2:00 rest. 6x 8’, 2’r, last 30” hard, SR22/28-30. This will fill up the entire time slot. Use the first 8’ piece to warm up.

Wednesday - just row or set monitor for Intervals Time, 11:00 work and 3:00 rest. 4x 11’ as (3+2+1+2+3), 3’r, SR24/26/28/26/24. First piece will be at lower rates and used as a warm up.

Friday - just row or set monitor for Intervals Time, 11:00 work and 3:00 rest. 4x 11’ as (30/60/90/120/90/60/30”on, 30”paddle), 3’r, SR26. First piece will be at lower rates, adjusted intensities, and used as a warm up.